What to Submit & How
The Hart & The Cur accepts pieces over 2,000 words in length of either fiction or non-fiction. We prefer short stories and essays but will consider other works on a limited basis. We do not publish poetry unless it is accessory to an essay. Article submissions should be sent to matt@thehartandthecur.com and include a maximum 500-word pitch. Title the subject line "Submission - Author's Name".
Your Rights & Responsibilities
As a contributor to The Hart & The Cur you retain copyright to your work. However, you agree that The Hart & The Cur will have exclusive use of the material for a period of 365 days following publication in The Hart & The Cur magazine. Additionally, you agree to work with the editorial staff to incorporate editorial revisions and suggestions.
Article Design
The Hart & The Cur's design team will design the feel and images for any submitted article. You are encouraged to provide creative input, but final design output is decided by the design team and editorial staff.
We look forward to reading your submission.
Copyright © 2024 The Hart & The Cur